Russian immigration legislation constantly develops and in many cases the recently adopted laws establish more clear and simplified procedures to immigrate to Russia. A lot is still to be done as the immigration system is far from ideal, but we are moving in the right direction.
Below you will find general overview of the grounds that allow foreign national to move to Russia.
Why move to Russia?
Russia has successfully recovered from the devastating period of the nineties after collapse of the Soviet Union and was able to build a self-sustainable economy, stable political system, raise the healthcare and educational standards, provide equal coexistence of traditional religion groups and hundreds of nationalities peacefully residing in Russia. Abundance on cheap natural resource is the base for economic growth of the country and its people. Booming agricultural sector, industrial development, tourist sphere and many more provide numerous opportunities to do business in Russia.
Affordable medicine, free public education, low taxation, is another reason many should consider moving to Russia. Last but not the least – Russia is a strong supporter of traditional values! Globalist, neoliberal agenda will never be supported in Russia.
So, if you want to reside in a country that guarantees your basic, essential freedoms and protects them on the Government level – Welcome to Russia!
If you have any questions,
fill out the application and our specialists will contact you